Wednesday, June 9, 2010

…Walked everywhere I go!

One of the great things about living the in the city of Philadelphia, is that the city is set up perfectly for pedestrians, bikers and public transportation.  I have tried out some of the public transportation here, including trolleys (that can travel below and sometimes above ground) and subway.  I have yet to travel the regional rail which is more of a train expressway I believe.  I will find out more when I take the regional rail to the airport.  So far, I have had pretty good public transportation experiences and I have even had some fun conversations with other people while we are waiting for the trolley.  I am starting the get the hang of the whole process of determining which stop I need to get off at and where the trolley stops are located.  While riding the trolleys, I have even learned which stops are for which stores, due to the bags that people tend to carry on to the trolley.

I do not feel out of place if I walk around the city with a large tote bag or even a backpack because majority of the other people walking are doing the same.  Whether I am walking to work in the morning with other hospital and business professionals or down by the outside shopping streets, people have bags to carry the things they need while they are out or even to carry home their goods that they buy while out. 

It is awfully nice to be so close to work in the morning.  On average, it takes me about 15 minutes to get from my room to the Acute Care PT/OT room in the hospital!  I am not used to this idea at all! Typically in Louisville, it would take me on average to get to places about 20-30 minutes.  But to be able to get in AT LEAST 30 minutes of walking time on a daily basis is so exciting.  (I say AT LEAST because in the acute care setting, we are running up/down at least 4-5 flights of stairs, traveling all across the large hospital that includes 3 buildings, etc.  So needless to say, I get plenty of walking done during my work day!).

Last Sunday, I traveled into the city and discovered a lot.  I found a few vintage type stores and a hidden mall within a professional building.  To top it off, I even found two Victoria’s Secrets within 1-2 blocks from each other!  Never do I feel alone, because I am surrounded by other shoppers at all times.  It is a pretty neat experience. 

Before I go anywhere, I make sure that I have educated myself on the routes in which to get there.  I track which trolley/train stops I need, where to find them, and how to get to where I am going.  This helps put me at ease so that I am at least familiar with where and what I am looking for. 

Later on Sunday, I traveled back to where I live and found a grocery store about 2-3 blocks.  I ventured around the store which seemed smaller than some of the general grocery stores at home, but it could also be due to the different layout that I was not used to.  But the grocery building was about 3 stories tall, but that included parking for people since it was on the corner of busier streets, as well as rooms for some business offices.  When you are in the city, they have to find any and all available room to put places, so sometimes businesses are on the second floors of buildings in order to make sure they can maximize the space available!

So I dare you to come visit me and let’s go walking around the city!! Because after all, that is what people do!

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome!! I love the idea of walking and public transportation. So my best friend is up at Penn State and I'm contemplating a visit that last week of July when we have a break, so there is a possibility of a rendevouz, it'd be fun to get a big group of us together! Sounds like you are having an awesome time up there, that's great!
