Thursday, June 3, 2010

…Had to use a fire extinguisher in the kitchen – until now

So it seems as if I keep meeting more and more of my roommates while cooking dinner.  This is actually turning into a pretty neat event, because we all have different cultures and having different food selections.  But tonight was a major first. 

I met two roommates who are interning at Merck Pharmaceuticals, which is apparently decently far away from where we are staying.  So while I was cooking my rice mixture (broccoli and cheddar) with chicken and diced tomatoes as well as corn – which is a pretty typical American cuisine.  In the meantime, my roommate started making a South African meal (which appeared to be pretty tasty with a wide mixture of flavors). So while we were there discussing our meals and what we were doing in Philadelphia – her pot started to sizzle.  She told me it is normal, because it has oil in the pot.  But theFlames[1] one thing that was not normal….was the pot burst into flames!  Well, stupidly, I just kind of looked at her and she made the comment, “well, that’s not normal…” Ha, so I mentioned if we should add water to it, but then she said since it is just oil, it might make things worse.  So I had noticed the fire extinguisher earlier this week, so I went to grab it and hand it to her.  And due to the most recent online modules I have had to take for my orientation at the Children’s Hospital, I knew that I needed to P.A.S.S. or pull the pin, aim a the flame, squeeze the handle and sweep the flame.  I had already pulled the pin and was about to aim and squeeze until I realized maybe I should move my pan of rice out of the way (which I was not smart enough to do with my pan of corn :-( sad).  Then, I squeezed the handle and POOF!!! Out bursts the chemical/powder/burst of smoke from the extinguisher.  Successfully, I put out the fire!! Yay, go me.  Fire-Extinguisher

The aftermath consisted of dust on the stove as well as in my corn :-(.   Overall, this became a pretty good ice breaker when you are just meeting someone, ha.  But if you are trying to figure out the best way to start a conversation, do not feel as if you have to start a fire to do so.  Now I am starting to wonder what will happen the next time I make dinner!!


  1. your dinners are sounding way more exciting than mine ;)

  2. you can join the club now...i've had to do it twice in my apartment. oops. I am so glad you are having such a good time--i personally would have never tried anything called 'fungus' ! Miss you terribly
