Friday, May 28th, my parents and I moved a Jeep-load of stuff into my new room in Philadelphia. I am up here for a 6 month Physical Therapy internship at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). It took us multiple cart loads and multiple days to get my room all set up, but I believe that it has been a success. In the
Sunday, May 30th, we went to dinner at Moshulu.
"Since the launching of the Moshulu (pronounced Mo-shoe'-loo) in 1904, she has had a long and exciting career on the seas w
It was a neat boat and was a very nice experience. If you ever are in Philadelphia, go and visit Moshulu; It's a great time. On the top deck of the boat, we ordered drinks after dinner. The bartender mixed together multiple flavors of Malibu Rum to create a delicious drink!
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